
Interaction with UI mutation is usability 101 level stuff. Web developers should always keep this in mind to let user realize which element has beeb tapped.

I like Google Material Design's ripple effect when user taped some clickable elements, suh as <a /><button />. That's why I deign <msc-ripple /> to wrap clickable elements and let them have ripple effect after user tapped. Besides that, <msc-ripple /> also provide sound & vibrate options to let developers decide turn them on or not.

Tap the following area and see what can <msc-ripple /> do.

Let's take a look when apply them on <a />.

Basic Usage

<msc-ripple /> is a web component. All we need to do is put the required script into your HTML document. Then follow <msc-ripple />'s html structure and everything will be all set.

Required Script

<script type="module" src="https://your-domain/wc-msc-ripple.js"> </script>


Put the content inside <msc-ripple /> as its child. It will have ripple effect after user tapped.

<msc-ripple> <!-- Place any clickable element. --> <a ...> ... </a> </msc-ripple>

Otherwise, developers could also choose remoteconfig to fetch config for <msc-ripple />.

<msc-ripple remoteconfig="https://your-domain/api-path"> <!-- Place any clickable element. --> <a ...> ... </a> </msc-ripple>

JavaScript Instantiation

<msc-ripple /> could also use JavaScript to create DOM element. Here comes some examples.

<script type="module"> import { MscRipple } from 'https://your-domain/wc-msc-ripple.js'; // use DOM api const nodeA = document.createElement('msc-ripple'); document.body.appendChild(nodeA); nodeA.sound = true; nodeA.appendChild( document.querySelector(".your-clickable-node") ); // new instance with Class const nodeB = new MscRipple(); document.body.appendChild(nodeB); nodeB.sound = true; nodeB.appendChild( document.querySelector(".your-conclickabletent-node") ); // new instance with Class & default config const config = { sound: true, vibrate: false }; const nodeC = new MscRipple(config); document.body.appendChild(nodeC); nodeC.appendChild( document.querySelector(".your-conclickabletent-node") ); </script>

Style Customization

<msc-ripple /> uses CSS variables to style its interface. That means developer could easy change them into the lookup you like.

<style> msc-ripple { --msc-ripple-color: rgba(0,0,0,.15); --msc-ripple-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0,0,.21,1); --msc-ripple-duration: 1s; --msc-ripple-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0,0,.21,1); --msc-ripple-border-radius: 0px; } </style>


<msc-ripple /> supports some attributes to let it become more convenience & useful.


Set sound for <msc-ripple />. Once turn on, <msc-ripple /> will have sound effect when user tapped. Default is false (not set).

<msc-ripple sound> <!-- clickable node --> <a ...> ... </a> </msc-ripple>


Set vibrate for <msc-ripple />. Once turn on, <msc-ripple /> will have vibrate effect when user tapped. Default is false (not set).

<msc-ripple vibrate> <!-- clickable node --> <a ...> ... </a> </msc-ripple>


Property Name Type Description
sound Boolean Getter / Setter for sound. Once true, <msc-ripple /> will have sound effect when user tapped. Default is false.
vibrate Boolean Getter / Setter for vibrate. Once turn on, <msc-ripple /> will have vibrate effect when user tapped. Default is false.


Event Signature Description
msc-ripple-click Fired when <msc-ripple /> clicked.