EZ Catalog

Book reading is a very common UI effect to provide different browsing experience for users. With <msc-ez-catalog />, developers could adopt this feature to web page easier. All developers need to do is just providing series image paths in config and everything will be all set.

Check the following examples to see what can <msc-ez-catalog /> do ?

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Basic Usage

<msc-ez-catalog /> is a web component. All we need to do is put the required script into your HTML document. Then follow <msc-ez-catalog />'s html structure and everything will be all set.

Required Script

<script type="module" src="https://your-domain/wc-msc-ez-catalog.js"> </script>


Put <msc-ez-catalog /> into HTML document. It will have different functions and looks with attribute mutation.

<msc-ez-catalog> <script type="application/json"> { "pages": [ "your_image_path_0.jpg", "your_image_path_1.jpg", "your_image_path_2.jpg", "your_image_path_3.jpg", ... ] } </script> </msc-ez-catalog>

JavaScript Instantiation

<msc-ez-catalog /> could also use JavaScript to create DOM element. Here comes some examples.

<script type="module"> import { MscEzCatalog } from 'https://your-domain/wc-msc-ez-catalog.js'; const pages = [ "your_image_path_0.jpg", "your_image_path_1.jpg", "your_image_path_2.jpg", "your_image_path_3.jpg" ]; // use DOM api const nodeA = document.createElement('msc-ez-catalog'); document.body.appendChild(nodeA); nodeA.pages = pages; // new instance with Class const nodeB = new MscEzCatalog(); document.body.appendChild(nodeB); nodeB.pages = pages; // new instance with Class & default config const nodeC = new MscEzCatalog({ pages }); document.body.appendChild(nodeC); </script>

Style Customization

Developers could apply styles to decorate <msc-ez-catalog />'s looking.

<style> msc-ez-catalog { --msc-ez-cataloag-duration: 750ms; --msc-ez-cataloag-border-radius: 8px; } </style>


<msc-ez-catalog /> supports some attributes to let it become more convenience & useful.


Set pages' image path for <msc-ez-catalog />. Once setting, <msc-ez-catalog /> will re-render all pages.(pages should be array and has more than 4 children)

<msc-ez-catalog pages='["your_image_path_0.jpg","your_image_path_1.jpg","your_image_path_2.jpg","your_image_path_3.jpg"]' > ... </msc-ez-catalog>

Keyboard shortcuts

Key Description
Go to previous flip.
Go to next flip.
f Toggle fullscreen.(same as double click <msc-ez-catalog />)


Method Signature Description
prev() Go to previous flip.
next() Go to next flip.
seekTo(index = 1) Switch to flip index. index will be correct to flip count once more than flip count.


Property Name Type Description
pages Array Getter / Setter for pages' image path.
currentflip Number Getter for current flip.
flipcount Number Getter for flipcount.


Event Signature Description
msc-ez-catalog-flip Fired when flip occured. Developers can gather pages' information through event.detail.
