
People love collages. With collages we could combined several images together and make them more vivid and interesting. Developers could apply <msc-collages /> instead of annoying HTML code & CSS setting. All we need to do is just make a few setting and everything will be all set. That's take a look what can <msc-collages /> do ?

Here comes some <msc-collages /> with different theme.

Basic Usage

<msc-collages /> is a web component. All we need to do is put the required script into your HTML document. Then follow <msc-collages />'s html structure and everything will be all set.

Required Script

<script type="module" src="https://your-domain/wc-msc-collages.js"> </script>


Put <msc-collages /> into HTML document. It will have different functions and looks with attribute mutation.

<msc-collages> <script type="application/json"> { "theme": 8, // 1 ~ 8 "object-fit": "cover", // cover || contain "collages": [ { "link": "?", "src": "", "alt": "grayscale 1", "target": "_blank" }, { "link": "?", "src": "", "alt": "grayscale 2", "target": "_blank" }, { "link": "?", "src": "", "alt": "grayscale 3", "target": "_blank" }, { "link": "?", "src": "", "alt": "grayscale 4", "target": "_blank" } ] } </script> </msc-collages>

Otherwise, developers could also choose remoteconfig to fetch config for <msc-collages />.

<msc-collages remoteconfig="https://your-domain/api-path" ... ></msc-collages>

JavaScript Instantiation

<msc-collages> could also use JavaScript to create DOM element. Here comes some examples.

<script type="module"> import { MscCollages } from 'https://your-domain/wc-msc-collages.js'; //use DOM api const nodeA = document.createElement('msc-collages'); document.body.appendChild(nodeA); nodeA.theme = 1; nodeA.collages = [ {...} ]; // new instance with Class const nodeB = new MscCollages(); document.body.appendChild(nodeB); nodeB.theme = 2; nodeB.collages = [ {...}, {...} ]; // new instance with Class & default config const config = { theme: 3, collages: [ {...}, {...}, ... ] }; const nodeC = new MscCollages(config); document.body.appendChild(nodeC); </script>

Style Customization

<msc-collages /> uses CSS variables to hook uploader trigger theme & drop zone. That means developer could easy change it into the looks you like.

<style> msc-collages { --msc-collages-gap: 1px; --msc-collages-overlay: #1d2228; --msc-collages-border-radius: 8px; } </style>


<msc-collages /> supports some attributes to let it become more convenience & useful.


Set theme id for different usage. Developers could set 1 ~ 8 theme. Default is "1".

<msc-collages theme="1" ... ></msc-collages>


Set image render property. This attribute only accept cover or contain. Default is "cover".

<msc-collages object-fit="cover" ... ></msc-collages>


Set collages data. This should be JSON string and each element needs contains "link"、"src"、"alt"、"target" for rendering. Max count is 4.

<msc-collages collages='[{"link":"?","src":"","alt":"grayscale 1","target":"_blank"}]' ... ></msc-collages>


Property Name Type Description
theme String Getter / Setter for theme id.
object-fit String Getter / Setter for image render property. Only accept "cover" or "contain"
collages Object Getter / Setter for collages data.


Event Signature Description
msc-collages-click Fired when <msc-collages /> clicked. Developers could get original click event from event.detail.baseEvent to do preventDefault behavior.
