Extension > mei's lens

「mei's lens」provides search the web by image feature for web pages. Users colud turn it on through context menu or browser extension icon. Make a selection you like to search and everyting will be all set.

mei's lens

With 「mei's lens」you could do the following stuff.

Check the following YouTube video and turn on cc and see the whole flow.

Usage instructions

「mei's lens」 will ask for google account login for 1st time usage. (This is just for recording request count only.)

mei's lens > OAuth

Turn on context menu and press 「Search by mei's lens」. mei's lens will be actived. (Once context menu appears on image element, the image will be the default content for image search.)

mei's lens > trigger by context menu

Users could make a selection on the main image content. Searching will be start after selecting done.

mei's lens > make a selection


Users customize sidebar & lens appearance as they like through options page.

mei's lens > options page

How to switch main image source?

Drag & drop image file or web page element into main image section.

Focus main image section then paste url、image、html string on it.

Double click main image section to pick up image you like.

Check the following YouTube video and turn on cc.

Keyboard shortcut

「mei's lens」 also comes with keyboard shortcut. I believe this will make more vivid & more useful.

ctrl + shift + l :

Toggle 「mei's lens」.

esc :

Turn off 「mei's lens」.

Privacy Policy

Please press the 「Privacy Policy for mei's lens」to view the whole content.

Terms and Conditions

Please press the 「Terms and Conditions for mei's lens」to view the whole content.
